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Construction Noise Exemptions Process Launches

The Halifax Regional Municipality is launching a construction noise exemption process to better regulate developers who need to extend construction noise beyond the standard By-law N-200 Respecting Noise timeframe (7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays), to finish construction and shorten project timelines.

This new exemption process follows the August 2022 Regional Council updates to By-law N-200 Respecting Noise. These updates are captured in section six of the By-law.

The construction noise exemption process establishes criteria that a developer must meet, as well as a submission process to be reviewed by municipal staff. Further information can be found online at:, under “Construction Noise Exemption Mitigation Methods.”

Prior to the updates to By-law N-200 Respecting Noise, noise exemptions typically required Regional Council approval, which could not be processed quickly enough to meet industry needs.

To learn more about construction-related noise, visit:

To determine if a project near you is approved for a construction-related noise exemption, call 311 or visit Residents may submit a noise complaint or inquiry about noise exemptions to 311 and a staff member will investigate.

Thank you,


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