7:30 AM
Networking and Breakfast
7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:15 AM - 8:25 AM
Made by Stephen Adams, Executive Director of UDI Nova Scotia and Chris Marchand, Vice President of Operations, Ramar Developments and President of the Board, UDI Nova Scotia.
Keynote Session
8:25 AM - 9:00 AM

Joseph Daniel, CPA, CA
CEO of Cresco
Whether at work or in his volunteer life, Joseph is passionate about building vibrant communities in Nova Scotia. A natural entrepreneur, he is a Chartered Professional Accountant with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University. Joseph is Chief Executive Officer at Cresco, a leading design build, land development and investment property company, and has been with Cresco since 2001 in different roles. He has also worked in various financial/accounting roles for a variety of companies, as well as working as a Lecturer at Saint Mary’s University for Introductory Accounting courses. He has volunteered in several not-for-profit associations, including business, cultural, religious, and political organizations. He is currently a Director of the Dartmouth General Hospital Foundation, the Urban Development Institute of Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Lebanon Society of Halifax. Joseph lives in Dartmouth with his wife, Dr. Jocelyne Faddoul, and their sons, Jonas and Jordan.
Economic Update and The Local Market
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Sal Guatieri
Senior BMO Economist

Bob Dugan
CMHC Cheif Economist
Sal Guatieri is a Senior Economist and Director at BMO Capital Markets, with three decades of experience as a macroeconomist. With BMO since 1994, his main responsibilities include analyzing and forecasting the U.S. economy, Canadian and U.S. housing markets and commercial real estate markets. He is responsible for the Department’s economic forecasts prepared for regulatory and stress testing requirements and oversees the analysis of financial services markets. He is a regular commentator in the media. Prior to joining BMO, Sal worked at the Bank of Canada, contributing to its quarterly economic projection and analyzing foreign exchange markets. Sal received his master’s degree in Economics from Queen’s University in 1990.
As Chief Economist, Bob Dugan leads a cross-country team of housing economists and researchers who strive to improve their understanding of housing price trends and how they impact affordability, all with an eye to supporting CMHC’s aspiration of housing affordability for all by 2030. Bob assumed the role of Chief Economist in 2003. Prior to joining CMHC, he held a number of positions in the private sector and federal government where he was responsible for economic forecasting and policy analysis.

Krissy Fry
Coffee Break and Trade Show
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Labour Solutions: Matching Talent With Employers
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Matt Pendlebury
Rob Mingay
Talent Box

Patrick Mackenzie

Mohja Alia
ESG Considerations in Housing Development
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Rob Grant
Stewart McKelvey

Peter Polley

Hayssam Barhoun
EcoSmart Building Energy Solutions

Lara Ryan
Lara Ryan Consulting

John Esaiw
Efficiency NS
Lunch and Trade Show
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Remarks From Mayor Savage

Michael Savage
Mayor of the Halifax Regional Municipality
Mike Savage was elected Mayor of Halifax Regional Municipality for a third term on October 17, 2020. As Mayor he has followed a mandate to grow the economy, foster greater social and economic inclusion for all, and promote a healthy, sustainable environment. An active member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Big City Mayors’ Caucus (BCMC), Mayor Savage was selected by his counterparts from across the country to co-chair FCM’s Syrian Refugee response task force in 2015. In spring 2021, he was elected Chair of the BCMC.
Addressing Housing Affordability
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Paul LaFleche
Provincial Housing Panel

Kelvin Ndoro

Angela Bishop
Adrian Mason
Province of Nova Scotia

John Keating
Coffee Break and Trade Show
2:30 PM - 2:40 PM
Managing Construction Costs and Supply Chain
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Amanda White
Foresight Atlantic

Alex Halef
BANC Investments

Mike Johnson

Andy Knowles
Lindsay Construction
Closing Remarks
3:40 PM - 3:45 PM
Networking and Reception
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM