HRM has released Package B of their Centre Plan. Key components of Package B include policies and regulations for:
Downtown Halifax – mixed-use, high-density developments in Downtown Halifax, pedestrian-oriented commercial streets, urban design and streetscaping, heritage properties and the Schmidtville Heritage Conservation District;
Established residential areas – retaining the neig
hbourhood character while providing for secondary suites, backyard suites, home businesses, local commercial uses, and urban agriculture;
Industrial lands – businesses, manufacturing, harbour-oriented marine uses, container piers, power generation, and similar uses;
Institutional lands – hospitals, colleges, military lands, schools, universities, and places of worship;
Waterfront lands – harbourfront trails & walkways, cruise ship berths, and public/special event spaces for citizens and tourists;
Parks and Community Facilities – parks and green spaces of all sizes and shapes including the Commons, recreation centres, and recreational clubs to support healthy and active living;
Culture and Heritage – heritage properties, cultural landscapes, Citadel Hill, heritage conservation districts;
Updates to Centre Plan Package A – additions and refinements of Downtown Dartmouth, Centres, Corridors, Higher Order Residential Areas and Future Growth Nodes to integrate those lands into one comprehensive Plan and Land Use By-law for the Regional Centre.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Centre Plan – Package B public engagement process and project timeline. The Centre Plan Package B public consultations are currently underway – find out more at www.centreplan.ca.
Visit www.centreplan.ca for fact sheets, interactive maps and draft planning documents.
Package A was finalized and made law in late 2019. UDI partnered with other organizations to engage leading planner Jennifer Keesmaat to provide a peer review of Package A. We invite anyone interested to read the full Keesmaat Report, or a Key Recommendations document is also available.